There have been a number of exciting new developments at JIPL lately. Due to business growth and market demand we’ve grown our team with a new engineer, who brings with him considerable design experience.
Isaac Wilkinson is the latest design engineer to join the JIPL team. Isaac’s past experience includes a degree in Mechanical Engineering and a passion for automation and design. With Isaac, we have increased our design capability and engineering experience and offer a wide range of innovative and productive solutions.
New Project for JIPL
JIPL also recently won the order to supply the Paraparaumu DAF Thickener Plant Package. JIPL is providing the latest patented innovative KWI dissolved air flotation (DAF) Megacell clarifier – recognised as the leading DAF technology for wastewater treatment. The Megacell clarifier is smaller and more efficient than standard lamella type DAF plants.
Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) is an effective industrial and municipal wastewater treatment, clarification, and thickening technology.
The use of a Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) system offers an ideal solution to a variety of contaminants.
DAF is a water treatment process that clarifies wastewater by the removal of suspended matter such as oil or solids, as well as heavier settled matter.
Compact, efficient, simple to operate and economical to run DAF plants provide the solution to many wastewater treatment problems.
JIPl works with the KWI Group who is a global leader in water and wastewater treatment technology and the KWI logo is synonymous with quality and efficiency. The brand was formed in 2000 from the merging of Krofta Waters Inc. USA.
KWI designs and installs water and wastewater treatment systems for industrial and municipal applications using DAF – Dissolved Air Flotation as the main technology. With more than 4,300 installations in 77 countries, including some in New Zealand, KWI is a world leader in Industrial Waste Water Treatment and recycling Potable Water Treatment and Biological Treatment.
Why use a DAF Plant?
Pre-treatment of trade wastewater by Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) is a commonly used best practice option, where grease arrestors or other simple passive pretreatment devices are inadequate. At its heart, micro-fine bubbles of air generated in the DAF vessel combine with insoluble contaminants, such as grease and fats, in the wastewater, lifting them to the surface. Mechanical scrapers remove the floating sludge layer and the purified wastewater discharges to the sewer. This achieves superior results at higher flow and contaminant loadings than can be achieved by conventional gravity separation technologies. The heavier particles drop to the bottom and are discharged periodically.
Industrial activity DAF units are widely used for treating industrial trade wastes high in solids, grease, and insoluble BOD. Most industrial processes (including food manufacturing) cannot maintain adequate trade waste discharge quality through a conventional grease arrestor or settling pit.
Dissolved air flotation (DAF) is a proven and effective physical/chemical technology for treating a variety of industrial and municipal process and wastewater streams. DAF systems are commonly used for the removal of oils & greases and suspended solids to meet a variety of treatment goals including:
- Product recovery and reuse
- Pretreatment to meet sewer discharge limits
- Pretreatment to reduce loading on downstream biological treatment systems
- Polishing of biological treatment effluent
- Thickening of biosolids
The KWI DAF is highly competitive in capital cost and reduces site space requirements, especially at larger treatment plants. The DAF treatment system only requires a small footprint in comparison to other technologies.
In anticipation of the needs of a changing world, KWI has developed seven DAF clarification design platforms, each specific to particular process solutions, offering a complete range worldwide to solve today and tomorrow’s wastewater treatment challenges.
JIPL together with KWI makes it their mission to provide the best engineered and cost effective solutions for our customers and to provide the best technical & maintenance backup service. With the strength of KWI’s experience and with technology transfer arrangements across a range of international experts, JIPL is confident that a solution can be found for your every problem using the very latest technology in water conditioning and treatment.