We’ve all been there before. Standing in the rain on the side of a busy road berating ourselves. Why didn’t I get around to it? Why didn’t I make the time to get it done? In our busy lives, time is the one thing everybody is lacking. Well, it … [Read more...]
Engineering the Future
Jonassen Industrial Projects Limited (JIPL) is on a mission to redefine the engineering landscape of New Zealand – an emphasis on quality and use of the latest technologies available worldwide are our weapons of choice. Innovation, creativity and … [Read more...]
For State of the Art, They Turned to Us…
Temperzone Ltd (Auckland) had a challenge. Their paint line was ageing, slowing and creating a significant bottle-neck with the increase in production to meet the escalating demand for their large range of commercial air conditioning units. In their … [Read more...]
How Clean Is Your Glass of Wine?
Wine connoisseur or not - wine - be it a crisp chardonnay sipped on a breezy, summer’s evening or a rich, fruity pinot noir sampled in front of a warm fire - often features in many of life’s events. However before taking that first sip, spare a … [Read more...]
Can our Food Waste Become the Waste Energy Plants of Tomorrow?
Every year, Auckland households dispose of close to 75,000 tonnes of organic waste – made up of kitchen and food scraps. Currently that waste is put into our landfills, where it produces a variety of polluting gases and liquid leachates. Now … [Read more...]