Water is vital for life – every living thing on this planet needs water to survive. Water purification is an essential treatment to provide clean and healthy drinking water all over the world. The ability to provide clean water is a critical skill – INVENT are the worldwide experts in the efficient and cost-effective purification of water. It is important to look at the rest of the world and what they are doing and implementing to gain a better perspective on issues that affect us in New Zealand.
INVENT are the global market leader in the field of mixing and aeration and contribute to the worldwide conservation of our environment. INVENT develops products that are fluid mechanically optimized to the last detail. JIPL offer INVENT’s products in New Zealand, making available to the New Zealand market products that specialise in enhancing the environment, and that can be seamlessly integrated into unique sustainable system solutions.
Press release Coagulation and flocculation in the Helsinki drinking water treatment plant
Erlangen, Germany, August 30, 2017
Finland’s capital, Helsinki, a city of around one million people, receives it’s drinking water from Lake Päijänne, located approximately 120 km away. The raw water is pumped via a tunnel to two water treatment plants, where it is treated and purified – resulting in water of an excellent quality.
HSY, Helsinki’s Environmental Services Authority, is the communal treatment plant operator; responsible for securing the entire water supply. HSY turned to INVENT to supply the drinking water treatment plant in Vanhakaupunki with 18 HYPERCLASSIC® Evolution7 mixers and three CYBERPITCH® mixers – operating since July 2017.
The plant was upgraded in order to increase its capacity and to achieve a more energy efficient configuration. During the design phase of the upgrade/reconstruction INVENT’s distribution partner, Puwimex Oy laid-out and recommended suitable INVENT mixers for plant operator HSY to optimize coagulation and flocculation. With the help of high-resolution, realistic flow simulation processing steps were modelled and optimized.

One challenge during the layout was to significantly improve the mixing in the supply tank of the drinking water plant. The goal was to achieve a spontaneous equalizing of the charge on the particles’ surface so that colloidally present particles could grow into flakes. This is where the CYBERPITCH® mixers operate, as they mix with a high velocity and energy. The mixer consists of a refined angled-blade mixer, which accelerates the water not only in an axial but also in a radial direction. The CYBERPITCH® mixers also evenly stir in the flocculation agent.
The HYPERCLASSIC® Evolution7 mixers are employed in the flocculation tanks in order to remove unwanted ingredients in the drinking water, such as particles that cause turbidity or solute organic matter. This is achieved through agglomeration of suspended or colloidal particles. After that, the water passes through a sedimentation, flotation and filtration phase.
The design of both mixers more than meets the requirements of drinking water treatment. The power units are dry installed above the water’s surface and therefore do not come into contact with the water. The mixers are equipped with food-grade oil in power units and oil trays in accordance with the customer’s specific requirements to prevent any impurities in the drinking water.

With the help of the HYPERCLASSIC® mixers, all prerequisites for the optimal formation of flakes can be achieved and undesirable impurities can be separated. By rotating close to the bottom of the tank the HYPERCLASSIC® Evolution7 hyperboloid mixer’s eight integrated and specifically optimized transport ribs generate a radially external bottom flow. This flow is particularly turbulent close to the bottom of the tank and efficiently stirs up sediments, so that sedimentation of particles in the flocculation tank, does not occur. Additionally, any incidences of short circuit flows are efficiently eliminated. Due to the fact that the flow on the water’s surface is directed towards the drive shaft all particles are evenly mixed throughout the tank, so that almost all of the particles come into contact with the flocculation agent, agglomerate and form flakes.
Due to the mixer’s large diameter, its optimal geometry and its low rotational speed the HYPERCLASSIC® mixer’s shear forces are minimized. This enhances the agglomeration of the flakes and avoids loading the flakes. The bigger and more stable these flakes are, the more easily they can be separated in the subsequent purification steps. Impurities are almost entirely removed from the drinking water. These facts contribute to the significant improvement of the plant’s purification capacity.
The reconstruction and retrofitting of the plant in the summer of 2017 with INVENT mixers enabled the operator HSY to not only satisfy the greater demand but also to deliver the best quality and the most energy-efficiently produced drinking water to Helsinki’s population of approximately one million people.
JIPL offers INVENT products and solutions in New Zealand. Although every water and wastewater treatment plant is a made-to-measure design and is different for every project – the processes of aeration and mixing remain the most vital processes for every plant.
There is an INVENT mixing or aeration solution for any industrial or municipal wastewater problem.
JIPL and INVENT are dedicated to the preservation of the water quality of our groundwater, rivers and lakes. With our innovative environmental and process engineering the water we need and consume, can be effectively treated and conserved.
Please contact JIPL for any more information on this product or to discuss any water and wastewater needs – [email protected]