Water is the most consumed natural resource on the planet and is also the most dangerously under threat. It is vital that we protect our precious water supplies from pollution. A global problem in warm weather is algae growth in surface bodies of water. Algae growth is caused by nitrogen and phosphorus, light levels, pH, and temperature. As the concentration of phosphorus found in a water body increases, algae growth will increase. Algae growth can also increase because of improper management of discharged wastewater.
Managing algae blooms can prove to be a daunting challenge without the right technologies for the job.
JIPL together with KWI has the solution for dealing with algae in water with the flotation/filtration (Flotofiltration) unit KLARICELL for clarifying water.
With more than 6,000 installations in 77 countries, KWI (previously Krofta Engineering Corporation) excels in Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Biological Treatment, Process, and Potable Water applications. The KWI Group is the global leader in delivering Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF) for water and wastewater treatment systems for industrial and municipal applications.
The city of Madras in Oregon, an arid prairie region of the States, had algae problems in its wastewater. Previously they were unable to use the effluent to irrigate the golf course due to high turbidity and during hot summer months, high coliform counts. Algal blooms were a continual problem. The water was very green, and odour too was a problem.
KWI installed a KAMET system to deal with the algae issues for the city and the water is now used to irrigate the Nine Peaks gold course with water reclaimed from the municipal wastewater lagoon.
Since installing the KAMET system turbidities of less than 2 NTU are consistently achieved, coliform counts have been reduced to zero and odours are no longer a problem. Irrigation of the golf course is now a practical solution for the disposal of water from the wastewater treatment plant.
The KAMET system combines two dissolved air flotation clarifiers. The Supercell, which provides primary clarification, is mounted above the SANDFLOAT, which provides secondary flotation and sand filtration. Raw water mixed with flocculating agents enters the SUPERCELL tank. A rotating carriage moves counter-clockwise around the tank with a sludge removal scoop lifting floating impurities from the water. The second stage begins with the gravity discharge of the treated water into the SANDFLOAT tank. Following secondary flotation, the water passes through a deep bed of sand for final filtering.

This solution has proved very successful and trouble-free for the city of Madras. KWI’s DAF and Klaricell technology has proved in numerous other installations around the world an ideal solution for algae laden water and to reduce phosphorus.
This technology avoids cell rupture of algae during clarification and hence avoids the release of toxic compounds. DAF reduces irreversible fouling at UF or RO membranes and reduces Clean in Place (CIP) for UF Pre-treatment or RO membranes. This technology is a superior solution to handle heavy algae loading.
- Advantages
- Small footprint, clarification, and filtration in the same equipment
- Produces highly concentrated sludge from a single outlet, easier handling
- Backwash can be treated internally
- Double media filter bed with anthracite as a third option
KWI has numerous successful installations worldwide successfully removing algae and reducing the concentration of phosphorus in the water. JIPL together with KWI has the solution for every water and wastewater need using the very latest technology in water conditioning and treatment.